Birder's Eye View

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Wind, Weather, and Whatnot

“Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life.” - Rachel Carson

Yesterday was hot and windy, and then there was a huge storm, which brought a cold front with it this morning. It's 62 degrees outside with nearly 50mph gusts. Although this is hardly notable, I have come to notice an interesting occurrence whenever cold fronts come through.

Before a cold front, all the birds disappear. The feeders are deserted, the skies mostly empty. And then, the morning after, when the weather clears and the air is chilly, there are TONS of birds, often birds I don't usually see in the area.

I have concluded two things from this. 1) I have way too much time on my hands, and 2) birds are endlessly fascinating. :-)

This morning, I went to check out a wild rabbit sitting in the yard, and got a picture of a Red Shouldered Hawk circling above.

Then, a little while later, I noticed this finch sitting at my window-front feeder! At first I wasn't sure exactly what kind of finch it was, but as I was snapping pictures, my mom pointed out the male sitting on the feeder in the Elm.
Now it became clear -- House Finches! The pair are hanging around in the elms (trying not to blow away, from the looks of it), and visiting the feeders every so often with the Goldfinches.

(Female on the left, Goldfinch in the middle, Male on the right) I've only seen a House Finch once before, and that was last month in Ocala. What a fun find! I wonder how long they'll stay?

And finally, I finished a new sketch last night. Two common birds, the Tufted Titmouse and the Carolina Wren.

That's all for now.

Happy birding!

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  • Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life.” - Rachel Carson

    Nice quote! it's sooo true too.
    also, great sketch! and nice pictures.

    Your House finches ought to stick around all year.... unless you're in southern or south-central FL. The northern part of the state has them... but I don't ever recall seeing them south of Tampa.
    Of course, they're feeder birds mostly and I don't spend my time in FL hanging out around feeders. lol

    You should be seeing lots of warblers pretty soon.... depending on how far south you are. I'm thinking the best time for them down there is about the 1st week of April.

    Happy Birding! --Chris

    By Blogger Chris W, At March 8, 2008 at 11:34 PM  

  • I like your drawings a lot. Do you work from life or from photos most of the time?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At March 10, 2008 at 4:24 PM  

  • I draw most of my sketches from photos -- either my own, or those found in my field guide. Occasionally, I'll draw from real life, but it's a lot harder since birds don't like to hang around for long. :-)

    By Blogger Andrea, At March 10, 2008 at 7:54 PM  

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