You'll never believe this!
An American Robin landed in the elm tree right next to a Mourning Dove, and of course, as soon as I got out my camera, it flew away. But in its place, landed an exotic bird.
A very... very.... exotic bird.
Now I was glad I had my camera out, as this was one of those rare opportune moments to photograph something out of the ordinary. Can you tell what it is?
It's an albino parakeet! Interestingly enough, when I went outside, all the other birds flew away, but the parakeet remained and started chirping, suggesting it was a runaway domestic bird.
When I tried coaxing it closer, it looked interested and flew up to the roof. It tried eating the shingles. The more I talked to it, the closer it came. Finally, I ran inside and grabbed some of my own pet parakeet's food and treats, and the little escapee couldn't resist.
She (yes, found out it was a she) flew back up to the tree, and, when I got close enough, she hopped to my hand and started wolfing down the sprig of millet. I managed to put her in an extra bird cage, and gave her fresh food and water.
At first, she was unhappy about being caught, but after a few moments, she was greedily devouring her birdseed and drinking water.
She seems accustomed to being handled (albeit somewhat reluctant), and loves to be talked to. My sister and I posted "FOUND" signs around the neighborhood, in hopes of finding her owners.
So... that's my birding adventure for the day. I wonder what will happen next?
Happy birding!
Labels: birding
That's an interesting bird to find around.
Albino parakeets don't show up very often.
So what's your year list at?
mine is still at a miserable 44 species. that includes some major misses though like Snow Bunting, Lapland Longspur and Great-horned Owl. i'm not too worried though, there's still 20" of snow on the ground here. Far too much for Buntings or longspurs.
Any misses for you that you should have found by now?
Happy Birding! --Chris
Chris W, At
February 21, 2008 at 10:27 PM
I know, I was really surprised - I don't think I've ever seen an Albino budgie before.
I have 58 birds on my year list so far, all of them seen within an hour from home except for the Pie-billed Grebe.
Wow, 20" of snow? I can't even imagine! Well, maybe once it starts melting away you'll see some Buntings and Longspurs.
I think I'm missing quite a few birds -- I still haven't seen a Redwinged Blackbird or a Wood Duck, among others.
Happy birding,
Andrea, At
February 22, 2008 at 9:16 AM
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