Birder's Eye View

Monday, June 14, 2010

Slow, hot summer

So far, my ambitious plans to go birding all summer have been foiled by this dreadful hot weather and the resulting lack of my own motivation. Yes, I know. Tragic on all accounts. By pure dumb luck though, I have managed to add a few more birds to my year list without even trying.

The first was a pair of Red-tailed Hawks I saw from the road last week. Surprisingly I hadn't seen any yet this year (or had failed to record it). More exciting for me, however, was my first-of-the-year Ruby-throated Hummingbird yesterday! I only saw it for a few moments, but it was just long enough to realize what I was looking at.

It hovered for a few moments around a bush of blue pentas, before zipping down to feed. In the time it took me to get from the window to the front door, however, it was gone. Too bad. I only rarely see hummingbirds where I live, so it's always a treat.

Well, that's about the highlight of my last 2 weeks. I'll try and get myself outside sometime soon, if not for my own sanity then for something more interesting to post about!

Until next time,

Happy birding!

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