Birder's Eye View

Thursday, January 5, 2012

¡Vamonos a Honduras!

A little over 17 hours from now (at 4am!) I will be embarking on a new journey: to the Caribbean! After a couple hours on a plane and a few hours on a bus, I will be spending the weekend in Honduras before another bus ride, another short plane ride, and just under two weeks on the island of Roatan.

This isn't quite a vacation though -- the trip is part of a short term study abroad program through my school, where I will be learning about tropical marine environments of Roatan. Along with my class, I will be attending lectures, going on field trips, and snorkeling at least once day around the coral reef to conduct a research project.

I'm not sure how much time all this will leave for birding, but I will certainly be keeping a keen eye out for Honduran avifauna whenever I'm not underwater. In Copan, we are supposedly visiting a bird park at the beginning of the trip, so hopefully I'll be able to get a good idea of what to look out for.

Once I get back to the states in a few weeks, I expect it will be pretty busy. I'm teaching a beginning birding class the weekend after I return, plus I will be finishing research for my class project, studying for senior exams, and applying for post-graduate jobs. Yikes!

But, one day at a time. Until next time,

Happy birding!