Birder's Eye View

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Where to next?

Approximately 96 hours (that's four days!) from now, I will be in Pennsylvania if all goes as planned. I've landed myself an internship at an environmental education center up there for the summer. My main duty will be as a camp councilor, but I will also be working with live animals and helping run the nature center among other things.

This will essentially be my first time in the state (I don't really count driving through it as "being there"), and my first time working as an intern, so I am really looking forward to the change of scenery and experience. Although I expect to keep busy working most of the summer, I am also looking forward to the opportunity to spend time outdoors and get to know the local birds of PA while I'm there.

Not sure how often I'll be able to post over the summer, but I'll try to keep this updated as much as possible. It's bound to be an adventure, whatever happens! Wish me luck!

And until next time, happy birding!

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